Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement

Problems, Permeability & Protection

Problems, Permeability & Protection

The use of single or multilayer coatings and laminates has reached every corner of the globe.  Food packaging, steel buildings, electronics, pharmaceuticals and paper all use them, as does virtually every industry.  Most often these are for protection, usually against water, sometimes against other gases, liquids or hydrocarbons. Versaperm systems ensure they their job properly.

Sadly, for a huge number of applications existing coatings are not as good as they should be. Inappropriate materials or applications cause products to fail, rot, dry out, rust – and sometimes even explode.

Controlling the way coatings are applied, together with the materials they use, can dramatically boost performance and life span.  It can prevent electronics from shorting, enclosures from leaking, food and pharmaceuticals from spoiling. They can also improve printing quality, protect your phone, TV or computer and even stop pizza from going soggy. 

Versaperm equipment allows you to measure the vapour permeability of everything from films and coatings to finished products, packaging and food produce. It allows you to prevent failures and extend shelf life.

The equipment is sensitive and accurate, giving results with Parts Per Million (PPM) precision. For some sensitive vapours and materials, the results are a thousand times more accurate even than this. The system can measure multiple samples at the same time and control environmental temperature and pressure. It allows users to measure it across diurnal, climatic and other cycles.

Versaperm Equipment can be used on huge range of materials and all non-prohibited gasses* – including water vapour, oxygen, helium, nitrogen CO2 and hydrocarbons. 

A modular approach means the system can be customised at around the same cost as most standard meters. Versaperm systems are already used by companies, universities and National Standards Institutions around the World.


*  Proscribed, dangerous and poisonous gasses can only be used or measured in specially licenced facilities.

Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK,
UK Tel: +44 (01628) 777668
USA Tel +001 (617) 500-8607


For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499